Four Simple Steps To Enjoying Your Own Daily Cacao Ceremony (Plus Video on how to make KAKAO!)

Four Simple Steps To Enjoying Your Own Daily Cacao Ceremony (Plus Video on how to make KAKAO!)

1. Prepare your KAKAO

Preparation is simple! Just heat 8 oz of water, add in 4-5 tbsp of KAKAO Ceremonial Drinking Chocolate, 1 tbsp coconut oil; blend in a blender safe for hot liquids and pour into your favorite mug! Watch this 1 minute video for a demonstration:

*Note: Separation is normal, which is why we suggest a single-serve blender.


  • Want it spicier? Add a dash of cayenne pepper!
  • Want it sweeter? Add honey, maple syrup or coconut sugar!
  • Bonus add-ins: 1 tsp Maca Powder; Dash cinnamon; and/or Coconut oil blended in!

2. Set your intentions

Intention setting is key when it comes to cacao ceremony. You may begin by asking yourself, "why am I sitting in ceremony today?" Or, "what is it that I desire to experience by sitting in cacao ceremony today?" Peace? Calm? Happiness? Ease? Love? Joy? You get to decide!

You can set one intention or you can set fifty. Neither is better than the other. The important thing is to focus, be present, and really connect with your purpose for ceremony that day. You may not know right away what your intentions are, and that's OK. The beginning of a ceremony is the perfect time to slow down, check in, and gain clarity on your intentions.

Examples of possible intentions:

- My intention is to open my heart.

- My intention is to listen to my internal guidance system.

- My intention is to feel peaceful, connected, and calm.

- My intention is to pay attention to what my heart is telling me.

- My intention is to tap into my creativity and let it flow.

- My intention is to reconnect with me.

3. Invite in the Cacao Spirit

Like all plants, animals, and beings, theobroma cacao has a spirit. We kindly refer to Her as the Spirit of Cacao, or Cacao Spirit. She's gentle, loving, kind, and tends to work very subtly with whomever she's partnering with. Nothing to fear here. She's not going to take you anywhere you don't want to go. But if you allow Her, if you invite Her into your ceremony/heart, she will guide your process. She will help you heal the parts of yourself that are still unresolved. She will help you see yourself, others, and the world through the eyes of love. She will help you reconnect to your roots, and understand your place/purpose in the world. Ultimately, she will partner with you in going as far as you are desiring to go. But she will never push you beyond your limits. 

Invite Cacao in as if you were talking to someone sitting directly in front of you. Talk with her as you would an old friend. It could sound something like this; "Spirit of Cacao, I invite you to join me in the center of my heart. Please guide me in...(fulfilling my intention for ceremony)." Let Her in on what you're thinking, feeling, experiencing. You can absolutely trust her with anything that is on your heart.

4. Follow your guidance

If "guidance" is a new term for you, another way of saying this is, follow your intuition/gut/heart. There are many things that partner well with cacao ceremony; things like meditation, breath work, a walk in nature, journaling, self-reflection, connecting with a loved one, creating (writings/paintings/other works of art/business), conscious movement, etc. Follow your guidance, there is no right or wrong way.

And above all, do yourself the favor of really allowing yourself to bask in the bliss of your ceremony. Daily cacao ceremony can be a POWERFUL access to connecting with yourself, your guidance system, your spirit guides, the Spirit of Cacao, Mother Earth, God, and any other beings desiring to assist us. But, as with anything, it will only be what you allow it to be. So drink up and allow it to be the pure, earthly, celestial, magic that it is!

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