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Introducing August’s batch blessing....The LIGHTNESS Edition!

If you are looking for SIGNATURE BLEND, please order from the USA website using the code RAINBOW for 25% off 10lbs or more! PURE is in stock in Sydney for 25% off using the code PERFECT :)

Signature Blend vs Pure (+ Ingredients Overview)

What is the difference between KAKAO Pure and KAKAO Signature Blend? Well, KAKAO Pure is just like it sounds: it is simply the whole cacao beans stoneground, which you can make into your own blend at home with your own ingredients. But KAKAO's #1 most popular item is the Signature Blend, which was formulated in my home 6 years ago when bringing all KAKAO production in house. All you have to do is add 8oz hot water and blend well! Scroll through to learn more about the unique qualities of these four ingredients that KAKAO intentionally sources for the most delicious, highest quality drinking chocolate on the planet.

How to prepare KAKAO Signature Blend:

Looking for PURE KAKAO with no other ingredients? We've got you!